From day one at St Aloysius’ pupils are given every opportunity to flourish in all aspects of school life and become ‘men and women for others’

For over 160 years, St Aloysius’ College has provided a unique style of Jesuit Catholic education that is deeply rooted in community and the formation of the whole person.

Small class sizes allow staff to get to know each pupil as an individual – catering for their needs and helping them to become the best possible version of themselves.

While outstanding SQA results have been attained by the school year on year, St Aloysius’ College recognises it is not just great academic results that count when it comes to being a thriving community for learning. 

Founded in 1859 by the Society of Jesus, the school has grown to become one the most successful independent schools for boys and girls ages three to 18. From Kindergarten through to Junior School and Senior School – pupils are given the chance to flourish from an early age and develop into “men and women for others”. 

The College does this by celebrating its dedication to its Catholic Jesuit Ethos which emphasises spiritual formation. Outreach is a key part of this development, with the children being involved in charity events from Kindergarten through to S6. 

One of the key parts of Senior School life is the annual Lourdes Pilgrimage, which sees a group of pupils and staff work with local schools to provide an unforgettable experience for children with additional support needs. 

The Herald:

Many Senior pupils also participate in the Caritas Award and the Arrupe Programme. Named after Fr Pedro Arrupe SJ, it involves pupils volunteering in schools, nursing homes, and foodbanks.

The programme is now widely used across other Jesuit schools in the UK. 
St Aloysius’ College provides a wide and varied co-curricular programme that allows pupils to participate in the things they love – which includes sports such as rugby, hockey, basketball, football and athletics. 

The College also encourages pupils to spend time outdoors with their Outdoor Education programme, overseen by a dedicated Head of Outdoor Education. As well as taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award, kayaking and climbing clubs prove popular among pupils. 

The College plans to open a new Outdoor Learning Centre at its Millerston site – designed to help their pupils celebrate and care for nature, tying in with Laudato Si’ – a programme championed by Pope Francis that educates pupils on how to “care for our Common Home”.

The school is dedicated to music and the arts, having just opened a new Performing Arts Centre that houses their popular Music and Drama departments. The choral music Schola programme is the only one of its kind in Scotland, allowing pupils to participate in the Royal School of Church Music Voice for Life Scheme. 

Members from Junior and Senior School have travelled all over the country to sing in prestigious venues, including St George’s, Windsor. The Drama and Music department’s annual school show is known for its grand production values and colourful characters that are brought to life by passionate pupils.

Add to this a varied list of clubs and activities – ranging from public speaking to coding clubs, co-curricular becomes an important part of the schools’ ethos, allowing pupils to develop themselves fully both inside and outside the classroom.

  • This article was brought to you in partnership with St Aloysius' College