Pavement parking can be a tricky area for Scottish drivers to navigate thanks to differing rules in various parts of the UK.

While areas like London have restrictions in place for vehicles parking on kerbs, Scotland has no such rules.

Despite no explicit ban on cars parking on pavements, there are some rules Scottish drivers should be aware of.

Can I be fined for parking my car on the pavement in Scotland?

The Herald: It isn't currently an offence to park on the pavement in Scotland (Getty)It isn't currently an offence to park on the pavement in Scotland (Getty) (Image: Getty Images)

According to Citizen Advice Scotland, it isn't an offence to park your vehicle on the pavement.

However, it is an offence to drive on the pavement and to cause an obstruction to others such as pedestrians.

While Scottish law does not have a legal definition for what an 'obstruction' is, police called out will decide if it is blocking the way for others.

If you see a parked vehicle causing problems, it is advised that you call the police on 101 or contact your local police station.

While no complete ban on pavement parking exists, a new legal provision in the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 is looking to implement one.

What can I expect from Scotland's pavement parking ban?

According to former Minister for Transport Kevin Stewart MSP, the purpose of the law is to ban "pavement parking, double parking and parking at dropped kerbs" while giving "local authorities the relevant powers to enforce these new provisions."

To enforce this, local authorities would be allowed to fine those who fall foul of the proposed law, according to Transport Scotland.

Those who pay their fine within 14 days could expect to pay £50 while those who pay after this but before the issuing of the Notice to Owner could be charged £100.

Those who fail to pay before the issuing of the Charge Certificate could also face an increase in their penalty by as much as 50% (£150).

If the fine is still not paid within 14 days after the issuing of a Charge Certificate, the local authority can take further action to enforce the debt.