A Scottish owner of a newly opened bar in Rhodes has told of being able to see and smell smoke after wildfires hit.

Sarah George, 39, originally from Stockbridge in Edinburgh, opened La Presidenta in Lindos with her partner Dimitris Savvaidis in mid-July after “a lot of setbacks”.

The island has been devastated by wildfires, with emergency repatriation flights taking some of the up to 10,000 UK residents home.

According to BBC Wales, an easyJet pilot heading out to Rhodes told passengers on his plane that it was a "terrible idea" and informed them they were welcome to disembark if they felt the need to.

Read More: Up to 10,000 UK residents believed to be on fire-ravaged Rhodes

Ms George re-opened her bar on Monday having been forced to close by the blaze.

She told the PA news agency: “Things were going beautifully and now this has all happened, we’ve been open two weeks so we’re already behind schedule in the holiday season, which begins around Easter time.

“It was already going to be a tight season, we’re going to have to work hard to make up some of the money we spent opening.

“So obviously this is less than ideal, it’s a worry about what’s going to happen in the years to come.

“Yesterday when it was a bit windier you could see a lot of the smoke and ash, you could smell it.”