Animal Rising protesters have attempted to disrupt the Royal Highland Show taking place in Edinburgh. 

Six members of the group, all wearing pink T-shirts, marched onto the stage where the Golden Shears World Championship. 

Half of them had glued themselves to the gates where the sheep were being held, while the other half held out posters.

All of the protesters were eventually removed from the stage by security and the second round of the event was delayed by around 20 minutes. 

A video posted by the group showed one of the activist later being carried from the stage. 

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One member who had been speaking with farmers at a table set up outside the event said that Animal Rising was there to "engage in conversation around our broken relationship with animals and nature". 

Sarah McCaffrey added: "We know that we are a nation of animal lovers, but that is not reflected in our actions.

"This is clear to see in Golden Sheers World Championship where sheep are put in positions where they are visibly stressed and uncomfortable, purely for our entertainment."

More than 30 countries are due to take part in the Golden Shears World Championship as it returned to the Royal Highland Show after 20 years. 

The Royal Highland and Agricultural Society has been approached for comment.