ONE OF Scotland’s most high-profile lawyers is to be the subject of a new 8-part fly-on-the-wall documentary showing on BBC Scotland next year.

Aamer Anwar of Aamer Anwar & Co has worked on some of the biggest cases in Scottish legal history, including the Ice Cream Wars appeal, the perjury trial of Tommy Sheridan and the Lockerbie appeal. His current caseload includes representing bereaved families in the UK Covid-19 inquiry; the public inquiry into the death of Sheku Bayoh while in police custody; and the mother of murder victim, Emma Caldwell.

READ MORE: Sheku Bayoh is 'Scotland's George Floyd' say family 

Craig Hunter, Creative Director of Factual at STV Studios, said: “Every episode will offer an unfiltered, privileged glimpse into this fast-paced world at this crucial time for Scottish legal practices.”

David Harron, Commissioning Executive, Factual at BBC Scotland said: “This promises to provide the audience with a fascinating look behind the scenes of both the legal world in Scotland and the workplace that Aamer operates in.”

READ MORE: Kevin McKenna meets Aamer Anwar 

Made by STV Studios, the series is in production in Glasgow and will be produced and directed by Iain MacAulay.

Mr Anwar said: “No matter how big, small, controversial or complex the case, my team gives it everything and we always fight to win. We're unlike any other law firm out there and I’m delighted to open our doors so that viewers can see for themselves the inner workings of the Scottish legal system, how we operate and what inspires us to fight for justice."