POLICE have issued a warning over wild boar in the Argyll area after the animals were apparently “released” in recent days.

According to Argyll & West Dunbartonshire Police Division, there have been reports of sightings of the creatures in the Strachur area, on the Cowal peninsula.

Officers put out a statement urging people - especially dog walkers - to be cautious around the animals.

“Police received a report of wild boar being released in the Strachur area on Friday, 28 October, 2022, and enquiries are ongoing to establish the full circumstances,” they said.

“Although boars are generally peaceful animals, we ask that the public do not approach or attempt to feed them as they can be very protective of their young.

“We also ask that any members of the public walking their dogs near the boars keep their distance and keep their dog on a lead around them.”

According to the Mammal Society, there could be anything up to 5000 wild boar in Scotland.

They are causing problems for farmers around the country, with reports of them digging up fields, killing lambs, and even attacking a ewe.

The Scottish Government says it is working alongside NatureScot to see what kind of risk the species poses.