Convicted sex offenders in Scotland have admitted changing their names more than 500 times in the past three years, according to the Scottish Conservatives.

A freedom of information request submitted by the party revealed that since 2019, Police Scotland has received 521 notifications of identity changes.

The move is allowed under existing laws, though concerns have been raised over the ability of offenders to hide their past as a result.

Police Scotland said it was notified 161 times of sex offenders changing their names in 2019/2020, followed by a further 162 the following year.

Some 198 went on to change their names in 2021/2022.

The Scottish Conservatives have now called on the Scottish Government to close what they called a “dangerous loophole”.

The party’s community safety spokesman, Russell Findlay, said: “It makes my blood run cold to think that hundreds of potentially dangerous sex offenders are free to wipe the slate clean and roam free in society with the full knowledge of the authorities.

“By far the greatest number of victims of such crimes are women and children. Casually allowing predators to change their names inevitably puts them at increased risk.”

He added: “People would have no idea if someone living next door is legitimate or hiding a serious conviction and SNP ministers must close this dangerous loophole before more innocent people are harmed.”

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: “Sex offender notification requirements apply to an individual, irrespective of what name they use.

“Registered sex offenders are obliged by law to notify the police of any change of name.

“In Scotland, the vast majority of registered sex offenders in the community comply with the notification requirements imposed upon them.

“Swift action is taken by the police in the minority of cases that do not comply, with those in breach facing penalties of up to five years in prison.”