Ah, its nice to be heading into the autumn again, if only because we can move on from roses, whites and gins and uncork the Cabernets again. Hip hip hooray for Cabernet Sauvignon, the King of all the grape varieties and in my humble opinion the most flexible of of all the varieties for blending and food pairing. Yeah, you might have guessed, I love it!

Cabernet’s spiritual home is Bordeaux but there isn’t a wine producing country in the world now that doesn’t have a range from bargain basement to world class and my current favourites tend to come from South Africa, Chile and California. Argentina are coming up very close mind you, but for me, they are still using a bit too much oak rather like the Aussies. Its just a personal thing as Im aware an awful lot of folk love the oaky finish but if its overdone on a cabernet, it just leaves a bit of an oak burn on my palate.

So, what should you expect from a cabernet? Soft, blackcurrant/cassis fruits ripe juicy tannins and if aged right, a lovely soft vanilla finish. Mmmmm!

Andeluna 1300 UCO Cabernet, Mendoza

Almost a new take on the grape and I love it. Traditional autumn fruits and ripe tannins but with an added bonus of a spicy finish. Great with steak or a big mushroom based dish.

www.pop-wines.com £13.50

Californian Cabernet Sauvignon

Says it all doesn’t it! Aldi have pulled a blinder with this gorgeously brambly wine with a lovely middle palate of Morelo cherries and a long smooth finish. Cracking value folks

www.aldi.co.uk £9.99

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