From humble origins in India, to a successful entrepreneur and multiple business owner, Didar Singh Chalana, known as DC for short, is the epitome of success. Through hard work and determination, DC has built a vast empire from scratch, including fashion design, manufacturing, property development and ingenious apps. It has taken more than fourteen years of serious hard work for DC to get to where he is today.

The Herald:

DC’s passion for business was instigated whilst he was working as a retail sales assistant in Edinburgh back in 2008. Edinburgh is renowned worldwide for cashmere and lambswool fashion, and, because of his keen attention to detail, DC immediately recognised that there was a gap in the market for higher quality products. As a result, DC founded Edinburgh Cashmere, and he hasn’t looked back since.

The Herald:

Today, Edinburgh Cashmere has an international reputation for excellence and is one of the most acclaimed manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers of luxury cashmere and lambswool fashion in the UK, Europe and the USA with millions of scarves, stoles, capes and blankets produced annually. DC puts the huge success of Edinburgh Cashmere down to his passion for excellent quality and his meticulousness. What is more, Edinburgh Cashmere will be opening flagship stores in the UK, USA, France, UAE, and Japan, very soon.

The Herald:

Nonetheless, DC has not stopped at Edinburgh Cashmere. Keen to build his fashion empire, DC also launched the successful menswear brand, DC Milan. Like Edinburgh Cashmere, the brand focuses on providing consumers with high quality products. DC personally designs and manufactures each item to the highest of standards to ensure individuality and longevity. The brand symbolises class, sophistication, strength, and power through its many unique designs, as DC wants his consumers to feel empowered through wearing his clothing.

The Herald:

DC’s unique designs and passion for superior quality has gained him an outstanding reputation worldwide. Just recently, DC has signed lucrative deals with high end fashion houses in Italy and France, as well as with premier league football clubs. His unique designs such as the DC Classic Check scarf, DC Monogram stole, DC cape, Thistle design reversible scarf, Highland Stag stole, Milano cape and DC Classic check blanket, have been featured in luxury magazines Vogue, Tatler, GQ and Grazia.

Because of his success in Fashion, DC has further expanded his empire to property development. DC has worked with lucrative developers and investors to create a sought after portfolio of residential and commercial properties worldwide. Considering the current climate, DC is in the process of developing environmentally friendly solutions to be used in the construction industry that will directly benefit companies and the consumer.

The Herald:

DC’s entrepreneurial talent continues to grow, as he is also launching a unique fast food franchise DC Tasty. Unlike other fast food franchises, DC Tasty will be providing fast food that is healthy and nutritious. DC has collaborated with prominent chefs and nutritionists for over five years to make sure that each food item is exactly right.

Not stopping at food franchises, DC is also developing a taxi app. DC’s exceptional ideas are prominent, as he is looking at developing an app that will help drivers make more money whilst customers save money.

The Herald:

DC’s success as a multifaceted entrepreneur is certainly inspirational. It just goes to show that hard work and perseverance pays off in many ways.

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