Police are looking for a group of youths who may have seen a man being attacked just before he died.

Craig Watson was found hurt in Glasgow’s East End just after midnight on Sunday and died at the scene.

Detectives from Police Scotland launched an investigation into the “unexplained death” and appealed for the youths to come forward.

Detective Chief Inspector Cameron Miller, of the force’s major investigation team, said officers were working to establish the exact cause of the 39-year-old’s death.

“However, at this time we believe that he had been assaulted after becoming involved in an altercation with a number of people in the Whitevale Gardens area shortly before he was found injured,” he said.

“From our investigation so far, we know that there were a number of youths in the area before and after midnight, Saturday night into Sunday morning.

“It is extremely important that these young people contact the police and provide any details that may assist us with the investigation.

“Information can be passed to officers via 101 quoting reference number 0126 of April 17. Alternatively, details can be passed anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Officers said the family of Mr Watson, of Colwood Avenue in the city, have been informed and the force has set up a website to share images or video with police.

A report was being prepared for the Procurator Fiscal.