A Scottish grandfather has travelled to Ukraine to help the country fight the Russian invasion. 

The Ukrainian Consulate in Edinburgh previously confirmed around 100 Scots signed up to fight in the country.

In a video posted online Rab Grady, 61, from Edinburgh, said he would do anything in his "power to save Ukraine". 

The 61-year-old man is seen holding an assault rifle and standing next to two other men.

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He said in the video: "My name is Rab. I'm a 61-year-old grandfather from Scotland.

"I've travelled to Ukraine to help Ukraine fight Russians. I'll do anything I can in my power to save Ukraine. 

"Everybody in the world please help Ukraine, they need everybody to help."

The man also told BBC Scotland he had been accepted to join an "international legion" in Kyiv.

It is reported he had previous military experience with the Territorial Army. 

Ukraine's president Volodymyr Zelensky invited foreigners to come join Ukrainian forces and even lifted entry visa requirements for anyone willing to join Ukraine's International Defence Legion.

However, last week First Minister Nicola Sturgeon warned that any  Scot wishing to fight should "think carefully about what we can do to support Ukraine that is actually helpful and meaningful".

READ MORE: Dozens of Scots sign up to fight in Ukraine