Hundreds of people across the UK have offered up homes and spare rooms to house Ukranian refugees fleeing the violence in their country.  

Glasgow-based charity Positive Action in Housing say it has been “inundated” with calls from people offering to help or house any people coming to Scotland to escape the Russian invasion.  

Since the start of the war last week, 550 hosts have registered with the charity offering places for people to stay – with more than 300 coming forward in the first three days of March. 

The offers of accommodation range from empty rooms to cottages and houses, and come from people across a wide spectrum of society. 

Those offering to help include lawyers, nurses, teachers, software engineers and retired couples. 

The Herald:

People fleeing Ukraine

One who contacted the charity said: “Seeing the issues in Ukraine we really want to do anything we can and this is a small thing. I grew up with my family taking people of need in and I want to carry that on.” 

Another added: “There are a lot of terrible things out there happening to a lot of people that don’t deserve it, who are just in the wrong place or have the wrong skin color or tribe or religion.  

“We can’t stop these things from happening, but we can offset the terrible with this small kindness.” 

READ MORE: Nicola Sturgeon calls for clarity from Home Office over Ukrainian refugees

One said: “Watching the crisis unfold in Ukraine has made us feel helpless so we would like to open our home to someone.” 

UK Government Security minister Damian Hinds has said he wanted to make sure those fleeing the Russian invasion had the “warmest, most supportive welcome possible” in Britain. 

He said as well as a “couple of hundred thousand” entering via the extended family programme – which will be open to applications on Friday – others would be eligible via a “community sponsorship route”, along with already established schemes. 

“There is absolutely no suggestion of any kind of delay here – people need help now,” he told Sky News. 

Asked how many visa applications had been submitted since last Wednesday, Mr Hinds said: “So far a relatively small number – I can’t give you an exact number – but we expect that to grow rapidly. 

READ MORE: Nicola Sturgeon urges UK Government to waive all visas for Ukrainians

“So we are stepping up the capacity. We are very soon up to capacity for 6,000, and we will keep that under review and if it needs to increase, it will increase – and that’s just in the immediate region. There is also of course application centres across Europe.” 

The Herald:

Robina Qureshi

Those willing to sign up to offer accommodation through Positive Action in Housing are urged to visit its website at 

Robina Qureshi, CEO of Positive Action in Housing, said: “Since the Ukrainian conflict, we have had 550 new hosts registered on Room for Refugees – over 300 registered in the first 3 days of March 2022 alone.

"The response from people in the UK offering housing has been both humbling and inspiring.”