Training day

OBSERVANT reader Gordon McRae spotted a statement in a newspaper that read: "30 minutes exercise won’t counteract sitting all day, but light movement helps."

“So I tried moving my desk lamp a couple of times, but didn't feel any great benefit,” shrugs Gordon.

Career crocked

YEARS ago, reader Martin Coe’s boss asked him why he only seemed to get sick on weekdays. “Must be my weekend immune system,” he replied. (And, no, Martin didn’t last long in the job.)

Era of awe

ON New Year’s Day reader Sue Stanley asked her 86-year-old father if he wanted anything from the shops. He replied: “When I was younger I never thought I’d see the day when men walked on the moon and you could buy spuds on the first of January. We truly live in remarkable times.”

Focus on future

“I CHANGED the graphic display on my TV to 1366 x 766,” says reader Pete Kennedy. “It's my New Year resolution.”

Bus, ya bass

OBSERVANT reader Scott Simpson notes that Glasgow’s electric buses are manufactured by Yutong.

“Bet they wouldn’t have written that on the back of the local vehicles in the 50s and 60s,” chuckles Scott.

Nuts to that

THE other day reader Ken Chandler bought coconut shampoo. ”Though when I got home,” he sighs, “I realised I didn’t have a coconut.”

The name game

AN observant reader recently provided the Diary with an excellent example of a bloke whose name perfectly fitted his occupation.

The equally intrepid Iain Mills from Largs points out that the principle investor of the new Ardgowan whisky distillery at Inverclyde is the appropriately named… Roland Grain.


OUR readers continue telling us about their New Year resolutions. “I’m writing a book about hurricanes and tornadoes,” boasts Iain Miller. “At present it’s only in draft form.”

Back to black

“BLACKBOARDS - they genuinely are remarkable,” points out reader Matt Greig

Saucy remark

CURIOUS reader Edward McGuire gets in touch to ask: “If I accidentally rub ketchup in my eyes does that give me Heinzsight?”

Assailed by mail

“BINMEN are the opposite of postmen,” claims reader Eric Hamilton. “Because binmen take the junk away from your house.”



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