A RECKLESS group of teens threw fireworks at police in Glasgow on Bonfire Night.

The careless youngsters were initially throwing the missiles at each other in the Methven Street and Glen Isla Street area - just off London Road in the city's east end - at around 6pm. 

Officers were called to the scene and the group turned on them with fireworks propelled at officers and their vehicles. 

It is understood the stand-off lasted for more than two hours and police officers have since launched an investigation.

People took to social media to comment on the incident. One said the "young team were fighting with police with fireworks".

Another added that there were 'at least 20 police vans and cars' along London Road. 

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Around 6 pm on Friday, November 5, 2021 police received a report of a large group of youths throwing fireworks at each other in the Methven Street and Glen Isla Street area of Glasgow.

“Officers attended and some of the youths began throwing fireworks at the officers and their vehicles.

“The youths dispersed at around 8.35 pm and enquiries into the incident continue.”

The incident comes after The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) say crews received more than 1000 calls from the public during an eight out period, dealing with more than 370 bonfires on one of their busiest nights of the year.

There were eight attacks on crews, with three injuries reported.

And SFRS chief officer Martin Blunden said one of the firefighters required hospital treatment.