A rail union organiser has warned that no ScotRail trains will run during the upcoming Cop26 climate summit if strike action goes ahead.

Yesterday, rail union RMT confirmed that workers will undertake industrial action which centres on a dispute over pay and conditions.

ScotRail staff will strike from Monday November 1 until Friday November 12 while staff on the Caledonian Sleeper, which is run by Serco, will hold two 24-hour strikes - one from 11.59am on Sunday October 31 and one on Thursday November 11, also from 11.59am.

RMT Scotland organiser Michael Hogg warned on Good Morning Scotland that there was a possibility that all ScotRail and Caledonian Sleeper services across the country could be axed while the international climate summit takes place if current demands are not met.

He described the pay offer as “rotten”, “lousy” and a “kick in the teeth" for workers who had put themselves at risk during the Covid-19 pandemic.

READ MORE: Rail workers set to strike in Scotland throughout Cop26

Mr Hogg said: “This offer is not worthy of consideration, it’s a kick in the teeth to workers. That’s our position.

“The offer does not meet union policy. It’s a rotten, lousy offer. We’re seeking meaningful talks to find a solution to the current dispute.

“The offer is 4.7 per cent over two years with efficiency savings and what that means is my members are expected to sell hard-earned terms and conditions in order to get a payrise. That’s not acceptable.”

When pressed on which rail journeys would be affected, he replied: “Every service.”

He added it was “correct” that this meant there would be no ScotRail trains running during Cop26.

Sunday train services in Scotland have already been disrupted for months as workers protest over pay and conditions.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said last week that she hoped the dispute could be resolved before Cop26.

The SNP Minister for Transport Graeme Dey urged RMT bosses to accept the most recent pay rise offer and claimed that other major rail unions have indicated they are content with ScotRail's terms.

He said: "The ballot for industrial action was launched and conducted on the premise that no offer had been made by ScotRail, but it predates an offer being made.

“Many RMT members will have voted unaware of the offer which is now on the table.”

A ScotRail spokesperson said: “It’s extremely disappointing that the RMT have opted to continue with this highly damaging strike action, particularly when a pay offer, negotiated over several weeks, has been made to the trade unions.

“We’re seeing customers gradually return to Scotland’s Railway, but the scale of the financial situation ScotRail is facing is stark. 
“To build a more sustainable and greener railway for the future and reduce the burden on the taxpayer, we need to change. All of us in the railway – management, staff, trade unions, suppliers, and government – need to work together to modernise the railway so that it is fit for the future.”