As of Monday August 9, Scotland has abandoned the majority of its Covid measures for the first time since major restrictions were introduced in March 2020. 

Social distancing in day-to-day life is no longer legally required and hospitality can return to normal liscensing hours. 

However, while England axed all Covid restrictions on July 19, Scotland has retained some baseline measures. 

Here's what you need to know about the measures in place in Scotland. 

Are face masks still mandatory in Scotland? 

Face masks are still mandatory in certain settings in Scotland, due to evidence published by the WHO that wearing face coverings reduces the spread of Covid. 

Masks are still required by law in most public indoor settings.

According to Government guidance, you must wear a facemask in Scotland in the following settings: 

  • health and social care settings
  • public transport
  • workplaces
  • shops
  • hospitality settings including restaurants, bars and takeaway services
  • nightclubs 
  • courts
  • banks
  • places of worship
  • visitor attractions and entertainment venues
  • libraries 
  • gyms and sports venues
  • stadiums and exhibition centre

Face masks will also remain compulsory for both pupils and teachers in high schools for at least the first six weeks of the new term.

Is physical distancing required in any setting? 

While in most social situations, physical distancing is no longer required in Scotland, it will remain in place in health care settings. 

The 2m physical distancing rule will continue in doctors surgeries, dentists and hospitals to protect both patients and staff.

Meanwhile in schools the 1m social distancing rule will remain in place for the first six weeks of the new term, with a plan to review this measure in place for late September. 

Do travel quarantine rules remain in place? 

Yes, the travel traffic light system remains in place, requiring people returning from different countries to adhere to different rules. 

Those returning from green countries and double vaccinated travellers from amber countries are not required to self isolate, but must take a PCR test upon arrival in Scotland. 

Meanwhile, those travelling from red listed countries must pay to isolate in a quarantine hotel. 

Do I still have to give my contact details for Test and Protect? 

Indoor hospitality venues are still required to take people's contact details for Test and Protect. 

Is working from home still advised? 

The Scottish Government continues to advise working from home where possible and is promoting a gradual approach to the return to office working. 

In the long term, a hybrid approach consisting of both at home and office working is encouraged.