A transport museum in Glasgow is gearing up to reopen as coronavirus restrictions ease next week.

Staff at the Riverside Museum in Glasgow have been cleaning exhibits and ensuring Covid-19 safety precautions are in place as the museum prepares to open its doors on Monday April 26.

From that date indoor attractions and public buildings such as museums, galleries and libraries are allowed to reopen as Scotland moves from Level 4 to Level 3 of the Scottish Government’s five tiers of coronavirus restrictions.

The Herald:

The Riverside Museum will have coronavirus safety measures in place, including requiring people to book a ticket before they visit so there are not too many people in the museum at any one time, while visitors are asked to wear face coverings.

Venue manager, Stewart Thompson, said staff are looking forward to welcoming people back.

The Herald:

He said: “It’s great to be opening again, it will be nice to get everybody back in the door again and see families and young people running about again.

“We’ve had a team in all week getting all the objects clean and ready for opening, we’ve had them all dusted down and all the plinths all dusted and all the labels updated and freshened up so it’s looking good.

“The staff are excited, they’re looking forward to getting back to work and back on the floor and back to some kind of normality.”

In Glasgow, Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum and the Gallery of Modern Art are among the other venues due to reopen on Monday.