A former 'bouncer' who worked in nightclubs for more than 30 years has claimed women reported sexual assaults to him 'at least once a month' in the venues he worked in.

John Green said the true figure would be higher saying there occasions when he would be dealing with half a dozen instances in one night.

He estimates that over the course of his career, 180 women were assaulted in the clubs where he provided security for clubs "at the very minimum."

Mr Green said he believed it was the right time to share his experiences of working in clubs amid the current wave of protest following the killing of Sarah Everard.

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Met office police officer Wayne Couzens is due to go on trial in the Autumn, accused of her kidnap and murder.

He said: "With the prospect of pubs and clubs re-opening, it seemed worth saying.

"I worked the doors regularly for 30 years and at least once a month a woman reported that she had been sexually assaulted in the premises that I was working.

"The figure would be really much higher - in some clubs you could be dealing with half a dozen instances in once night.

"Despite the fact, and it is a fact, that false allegations of this kind are very rare and sexual violence is massively under-reported, even in a less formal setting of pubs, clubs and bars, I'm going to discount for the sake of argument 50% of those cases."

"This means at the very, very, very lowest estimate 180 women have been sexually assaulted and have had the courage to report it to me.

"That's 180 men who thought it was okay to grab, grope, coerce."

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The Prime Minister has announced that plain-clothes police officers will patrol bars and clubs as part of plans to keep women safe from “predatory” offenders.

Following a meeting of the government’s Crime and Justice Taskforce chaired by Boris Johnson, Downing Street said it was taking a series of “immediate steps” to improve security.

Among them is to roll-out across the country pilots of a programme where uniformed and plain clothes officers seek to actively identify predatory and suspicious offenders in the night time economy.

A fund to provide other deterrents, like better lighting and CCTV, will be doubled to £45 million.

Mr Green said the attacks had happened while he was working in clubs in the north of England, including in the city of Leeds and urged men to act if they witnessed incidents, including those perperated by friends.

He said: "I don't care if they are great lads 'when they have not had a drink' because they are not. They are just more aware of the consequences when they are sober.

"If you see it, step in, say something or fetch someone."