Hundreds of students are waiting to return to their accommodation after they were evacuated for a controlled explosion of a World War Two bomb.

The University of Exeter said about 300 of the 1,400 evacuated students had not returned following the explosion in the city which damaged houses on Saturday.

A number of other nearby residents are also waiting to return.

READ MORE: Exeter WWII bomb - 1400 students evacuated

Devon & Cornwall and Dorset Police Drones have released spectacular footage of the bomb being detonated on Saturday. 

The 2,200lb (1,000kg) German bomb was discovered on an allotment due for development.

Bomb disposal teams destroyed the device in a 400-tonne "box" of sand just before 18:15 GMT in an explosion heard up to five miles (8km) away.

READ MORE: Watch the moment WWII bomb detonates in Exeter

Debris was thrown at least 250m (820ft) away, said police.

The city was heavily attacked by German bombers in 19 raids during World War Two, which saw more than 7,000 devices dropped, particularly in May 1942 during the Baedecker Raids.

Video: Devon & Cornwall and Dorset Police Drones