Judy Murray has shown off her new look after undergoing a non-surgical facelift procedure and revealed how she looks ten years younger after being spurred into action by her famous tennis stars sons who dubbed her 'turkey neck'.

The 61-year-old's appearance was transformed with treatment by Dr Judy Todd, one of the UK's top aesthetic clinicians, after playful jibes from former Wimbledon champions Andy and Jamie Murray about her wrinkly skin.

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Her skin was damaged from years of playing tennis outside and sitting in the hot sun watching her sons compete at summer Grand Slam tournaments.
From January last year, she secretly had three appointments at Dr  Todd’s Synergy Clinic in Glasgow for the latest micro-needling and radio frequency treatment called Morpheous8.

The Herald: Judy Murray reveals her new look after undergoing treatmentJudy Murray reveals her new look after undergoing treatment
Former Strictly Come Dancing star Judy is now thrilled to show off the results of the treatments which she believes have made her look 'over ten years younger'.
Ms Murray said: “My kids, Jamie and Andy, started to call me turkey neck a few years ago in a loving and jokey way, and that may have had something to do with me thinking I really should do something about this if I can.

"I didn’t tell them anything about the treatments I was having, but they noticed the difference and recently they said, 'Mum, what have you being doing to your face?'

"I said, what do you mean? To which they replied: 'It looks much smoother.'
“That was absolute good dust! I mean if they’ve noticed and mentioned it, then it clearly has made a huge difference, and that made me very happy.
“Andy and Jamie couldn’t work out what I’d been up to but when I’ve explained it to them, they were interested and Jamie’s wife even said to me that she’d had some micro-needling treatments, but not one as advanced as the one I’d had.
“I’d say it’s taken at least ten years off my appearance, as you can see for yourself. I am absolutely thrilled to bits with the result, my skin is fresher, clearer, and I feel much better about myself. 

"The lines on my face have softened significantly and what I love about it most is how many people are noticing and are saying, 'what have you done to your skin,' and then I tell them, that it’s a natural treatment and it’s all thanks to Dr Judy Todd. 

"I’ll definitely do it again, it has really helped me, and I would recommend it to anybody.”

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Ms Murray said her wrinkly skin and facial ageing was down to sun damage from travelling around world to summer tennis tournaments with her two sons over many years.

The Herald: Judy Murray shows the changes after various stages of treatmentJudy Murray shows the changes after various stages of treatment
She said: “I spent most of my life working outside and a significant number of years following my kids on the tennis circuit and sitting in the sun scowling with the pressure of watching them perform, and so I’ve got lovely scowl lines and I’ve got a lot of laughter lines too.
“I’ve had a lot of sun damage and I was aware, probably over the last year or two, that I’d really like to explore something that would help me to have a fresher, clearer skin."
In January 2020, she was introduced to leading cosmetic doctor Judy Todd who specialises in non-invasive beauty therapies. 

As well as running Scotland's top beauty clinic, Dr Todd is also a consultant anaesthetist at North Ayrshire Hospital - so all her treatments are backed by medical science.

She  suggested a course of the latest micro-needling and radiotherapy treatment called Morpheous8, as it would best suit her skin.
Judy said: “I’d come back from the Australian Open, where I’d been out in the most extreme sun. You can see from the 'before' photos that I had a considerable amount of sun damage which had prematurely aged my skin.
"I told Dr Judy that wasn’t interested in anything extreme or invasive and would never consider any kind of cosmetic surgery like a face-lift.
"I felt this Morpheous8 treatment was really natural and so was perfect for me.  I had three treatments, one in January, one just before lockdown in March and then one in July."

She added she didn't feel a thing due to numbing cream and the process took 30-40 minutes. The micro-needling treatent traumatises the skin to produce more collagen naturally, which then reduces wrinkles and lines.

The Herald: Judy Murray says her tennis champion sons Sir Andy and Jamie teased her about her 'turkey neck'Judy Murray says her tennis champion sons Sir Andy and Jamie teased her about her 'turkey neck'

Dr Todd, who treats a number of high profile celebrities at her Glasgow clinic,  said: "I am thrilled that Judy Murray has got such a great result and says that she looks more than ten years younger.

“Morpheous8 stimulates the production of new collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid in the skin, resulting in firmer, smoother, more lifted and hydrated skin.”

"Judy is a great example of how you can completely transform your appearance without going under the knife.

"Lots of women worry about ageing but hate the idea of undergoing surgery.

"Judy had three treatments lasting less than an hour over a year to smooth out her skin and get rid of the turkey neck her sons joked about."

For more information go to www.synergygiffnock.co.uk

Photo credits: Cavendish