A Covid-hit health board worried about the "concerning" sharp rise in cases has urged the public to be "extremely cautious" in the run up to Christmas.

Health officials from NHS Borders are asking people to avoid socialising over the festive period, reminding the public that the virus "thrives on human contact" and "doesn't know it's Christmas."

READ MORE: Operations cancelled due to Covid-19 outbreaks within health board

The region last week moved to level one of the Scottish Government's tier restrictions, however, NHS Borders said an increase in cases in recent days in the area was "concerning".

The Herald: Borders General HospitalBorders General Hospital

In the Borders, the past week has seen a spike of Covid-19 cases, with 103 last week compared to only 47 the week before. 

Meanwhile, there are 20 patients being cared for within the Borders General Hospital with either a confirmed positive case of Covid-19 or who are suspected to have the virus.

With tier levels due to be reviewed again next week, it is uncertain whether the Scottish Borders will remain in Level 1 going forward - especially if cases continue to rise. 

Dr Keith Allan, Associate Director of Public Health said: “The position this week is concerning; both in terms of the increase in confirmed cases and the impact that this is having on NHS services.

READ MORE: Borders General Hospital ward closes amid coronavirus outbreak

"We are seeing significant pressure in the Emergency Department at the BGH and challenges with patient flow.

“Cases have risen even though we were still in level 2. Now in level 1 it is even more vital that we don't ease up and lose sight of the measures put in place to protect everyone.

“The temptation to socialise more in the lead up to the Christmas period increases the risk of infection.

"The virus doesn't know it's Christmas and it thrives on human contact. So please be extremely cautious as we approach the holidays.

"Please familiarise yourself with the restrictions that apply. You should not meet anyone who is not a member of your household indoors, in their home or in another person’s home. And if you are meeting people in a public place such as a bar, restaurant, pub or café you can meet up to six people, but only from two households. This is really important.

“Continue to follow the FACTS guidance: Face coverings; Avoid crowded place; Clean hands and surfaces regularly; Two metre distance; and Self isolate and book a test immediately if you have any symptoms.”