The Scots comedian whose spoofs of the First Minister's coronavirus briefings have tickled the UK's funny bone insists she is not biased - after being criticised for not attacking the Scottish Government.

Janey Godley spoke as the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Scotland's national academy of science and letters said her video voiceovers complete with comedic catchphrase 'Frank, get the door' has been "most effective" in getting the public to take action to prevent the spread of the virus.

The alternative voice of Nicola Sturgeon was praised for her laughter medicine which is getting people to engage over repetitive prevention messages of social distancing, staying at home, washing hands and wearing a mask.

Ms Godley who was interviewed as part of the RSE’s Post-Covid-19 Futures Commission’s Public Debate and Participation workstream said she had received "a lot of criticism from the unionist side saying a true satirist slags the government, why don't you make a fool of her".

She added: "I'm like, first of all, you don't think I'm funny so if I did that why would you watch it.

"Secondly, find me a unionist comedian in Scotland and I will ask them to do it for you. Apparently there's none."

But she insisted that her skits are not politically motivated.

"See if it was Ruth Davidson [the leader of the Conservative Party in the Scottish Parliament] up there giving the [coronavirus] message, I'd do the exact same.

"It is not about the politican, it is not about the politics, it is about getting the message of coronavirus out there in a funny, informed, stupid, cheeky, mildly offensive way."

In the interview broadcast on the RSE's YouTube channel yesterday, Ms Godley revealed she would "happily take the vaccine" and of her skits she said: "I do my best to make it funny and informative and educated without being you know the BBC. It's just me in my living room.

"Sometimes it is too technical and I'll just say, 'right a lot of people are dyin' again'. That covers it."

Asked if she and the First Minister would be in the same room again, she said: "I don't really want to be pals with politicians, they're not my friends."

She added: "I don't want to be a politician. I want to be able to still shout really loudly and swear.

READ MORE: Royal Society of Edinburgh acclaims Janey Godley's medicine for helping curb Covid-19 spread

"I get trolled a lot by politicians and I don't understand why politicians have to attack me. I don't mind the public, but if you are a paid politician, maybe you should stick to your constituents and then you wouldn't have lost all your seats in Scotland.

"But that's why I'm not allowed to be a politician.

The Herald:

"I like having this freedom of expression and choice. It might not be everybody's bag. Not everybody likes it. But like I've always said, a lot of people really love what I do. A lot of people really hate what I do.

"Both are correct. That is the arts."

It was revealed last week that the satirist had called for Scottish Labour to investigate the trolling of her online saying it is affecting her health.

She slammed those who believed she is partly to blame for being the target for 'unionist' trolls.

She spoke out as Tory Mid Scotland and Fife MSP Murdo Fraser, a former deputy leader of the Scottish Conservative Party responded to our report of her concerns.

The Scottish Conservatives constitution spokesman said: "The irony of uber-troll Godley complaining about others."

The row erupted three weeks ago after Largs councillor Alex Gallagher posted a message on Twitter asking "who is Janey Godley?" in response to a BBC video clip that she shared about memories of her childhood, including her mum who was murdered.

He then asked who employs her, leading her to list the numerous organisations she works for, including the BBC.

But Mr Gallacher insisted he had done nothing of the sort, saying: "Sorry Jane, I'm sure you're lovely and all that, but it was a genuine question."

He added; "All I did was not know who you are Jane. I don't know lots of people. You too I presume. Your reaction seems a bit extreme TBH."

The comedian responded on social media saying: "Been trolled by male Scottish unionist politicians during Covid is detrimental to my health, they organise pile-ons and send their haters onto my timeline - so much so the press has picked up on it- yet apparently I 'bring it on myself' because I won’t shut up or back down."

The RSE’s Post-Covid-19 Futures Commission’s Public Debate and Participation workstream, is the first of two events with Ms Godley around the topic of communication during the pandemic.

Ms Godley will also feature in a Voices of Covid Who Cuts Through & Why? event also featuring Professor Jason Leitch and Mona Siddiqui and hosted by RSE president, Professor Dame Anne Glover, to be held on Thursday December 17 at 2.30pm.