Relatives wishing to pay a visit to patients in this Scottish health board area will not be allowed from today, after increasing pressure on hospitals due to Covid-19.

From today, visiting across all hospital sites in Forth Valley has been suspended, except for essential visits and other arrangements to support pregnant women and children.

The move, which came into effect today, is designed to help protect patients and staff from coronavirus, according to health officials.

NHS Forth Valley bosses stated ward staff have been contacting relatives and loved ones previously noted as designated visitors where possible, in order to advise them of the changes.

And while necessary to limit the spread and protect patients, visitors and staff, NHS Forth Valley Nurse Director, Professor Angela Wallace, said the move to suspend visiting had been a difficult decision.

She said: “With rising levels of Covid-19 within our local communities we have made this move to help reduce the risk of transmission within our hospitals, protect patients and staff and manage the increasing pressure on our hospitals which are currently very busy.”

“I understand that not being able to visit a loved one while they are in hospital will be upsetting for many people.

"However, I would like to assure people that this decision has not been taken lightly and we hope local patients and families understand the reasons behind this difficult decision and work with us to support these new arrangements.”

She added: “We will also continue to offer virtual visiting for patients using telephones, iPads and laptops to help people keep in touch with their loved ones.”

However, some "essential" visits are still permitted for areas with level three Covid-19 protection measures under the new national visiting guidance, which forms part of the Scottish Government’s Strategic Framework.

These include visits for patients receiving end-of-life care, for patients with a mental health issues (including dementia, learning disabilities and autism), to support a child or baby in hospital, or to accompany pregnant women to scans and antenatal appointments, as well as to provide support during and after labour.

Health bosses say clinical staff's aim is to be as flexible and compassionate as possible to support visiting at this difficult time, as long as it is safe and appropriate to do so.

They also say arrangements for essential visits must be agreed in advance with the relevant ward or department.

Other guidelines include using the alcohol gel provided when entering and leaving hospitals, wards and other clinical areas, wearing a face mask before entering the hospital and other PPE, as required, throughout the duration of any visit.