A UNION has warned of potential industrial action as NHS workers lobby Scottish Parliament today to call for immediate action on pay.

A 'pay up now’ campaign is calling for the three-year NHS pay deal to be renegotiated in light of the pandemic and extra costs incurred by healthcare workers.

The campaign led by the Scotland's largest health union UNISON says the pay increase of 2.9% for this year should be increased.

It has said it will have a consultative ballot on industrial action after failing to reach progress with health secretary Jeane Freeman.

NHS workers will take part in a socially-distanced demonstration today (Thursday) and have asked health secretary Jeane Freeman, along with other MSPs, to meet with them and hear what it has been like working through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Some 25 UNISON members from Lothian Health Branch and Scottish Healthcare will attend the socially distanced rally to represent UNISON members across Scotland - ensuring they comply with Covie-19 pandemic guidance.

The Herald:

The union said it had meetings with the health secretary but after failing to see any progress, announced it will "now be moving a consultative ballot on industrial action".

Tom Waterson, chairman of UNISON Scotland’s health committee, said: “Our dedicated NHS staff have suffered real-term pay cuts over the last decade with significant extra costs over this pandemic.

“These are just ordinary people thrust into an extraordinary situation and they trusted the Scottish government to recognise them fairly.

"Disappointingly this hasn’t happened and the time has run out for warm words. UNISON are looking for Jeane Freeman to make good her promise of awarding workers something this calendar year. We urge Health Secretary Jeane Freeman to meet with us as a matter of urgency and get this resolved – we need to pay up now for health workers.”

Willie Duffy, UNISON head of health, added: “Since the start of this pandemic, our NHS workers have shown immense dedication, commitment and compassion and it is time they are fairly rewarded.

“Our politicians are quick to praise our heroic NHS workers who have gone above and beyond during this pandemic - but unfortunately clapping doesn’t pay their bills.

“We want MSPs to hear first-hand from our NHS workers about the realities of working in the NHS during the pandemic and to do the right thing and pay up now.”

The union has been lobbying the Scottish Government to take advantage of a reopening clause written into the 2018 three-year Agenda for Change pay deal and grant NHS staff an uplift in 2020.

A meeting was held on September 15 between Unison and Ms Freeman, but talks broke down, although this was disputed by the Scottish Government at the time.

A Scottish Government spokesman said: “The Scottish Government remains absolutely committed to delivering the fairest pay deal possible for health staff in 2021-22.

“We remain in active discussion with all parties through the Scottish Terms and Conditions Committee (STAC) and have been meeting frequently, most recently on Monday 2 November, to conclude a negotiating mandate, so that formal pay negotiation can begin.

“STAC Secretariat Staff side representatives, including Unison, have also accepted the Health Secretary’s offer to meet with them to discuss the approach to the pay deal, in response to their latest letter.

“The Health Secretary has made clear her commitment to expedite negotiations and to consider bringing forward the agreed pay settlement if it is possible to conclude negotiations before the start of the new financial year.”