Launching earlier this week, Our World, Our Impact focuses on the big and little things everyone can do to help Scotland combat the effects of climate change.

The programme, funded by the Scottish Government, will break climate change down into easy-to-understand chunks that are relevant and interesting. Videos, online events and challenges will all help people of all ages understand what’s at stake and how they can help.

Our World, Our Impact will ensure people across Scotland, including schools and hard-to-reach communities, are informed and active on climate change ahead of COP 26 arriving in the city next November.

COP 26 is the UN’s Climate Change Conference of the Parties, and is happening in Glasgow 1-12 November 2021.

The Herald: Glasgow Science CentreGlasgow Science Centre (Image: Science Centre)

Roseanna Cunningham, Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform said: “Tackling climate change must be a shared national endeavour. If we are to succeed, it will require action from every individual, in every area of society and the economy.

“The Our World, Our Impact programme is an excellent initiative to help communities in Glasgow and across Scotland  engage with the importance of addressing climate change. By building understanding and awareness we can fulfill Scotland’s world leading ambition to achieve a just transition to net-zero by 2045.

“I hope COP 26 will deliver a lasting legacy for the whole of Scotland set the world on course to green recovery and net-zero , and drive  meaningful global change long after the Summit has ended.”

The Herald: Stephen Breslin, chief executive of Glasgow Science CentreStephen Breslin, chief executive of Glasgow Science Centre

Stephen Breslin, chief executive of Glasgow Science Centre, said: “The countdown to COP26 is on and Glasgow Science Centre is proud to deliver Our World, Our Impact programme.

“We’ve dealt with a lot in 2020, but the impacts of climate change will be felt long after we’ve found a vaccine for COVID-19.

Our World, Our Impact will help people understand what climate change is, and the simple ways they can help combat its effects.

“When the doors to COP26 open in Glasgow next year, we want people across Glasgow and Scotland to be informed and able to participate in the discussions about our planet.

“We want to start a national conversation about climate change: tell us about environmental activism in your area, what concerns you about climate change and what you’re doing to help using #OurWorldOurImpact.”

Anyone interested in finding out more about climate change in Scotland, and the small actions that will create big impact, should sign up to the newsletter at