PUBS, bars and restaurants will be closed across Scotland's Central Belt for 16 days from Friday as part of strict new coronavirus rules. 

Nicola Sturgeon announced the new restrictions as more than 1,000 coronavirus cases were recorded in Scotland in the last 24 hours. 

The First Minister said alcohol will be banned inside bars and restaurants across Scotland and all indoor hospitality venues will have to shut at 6pm.

However stricter measures will be in force in five Central Belt health board areas: Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Lanarkshire, Ayrshire and Arran, Lothian and Forth Valley.

In these areas, all licensed premises - with the exception of hotels for residents - will be required to close indoors and outdoors, though takeaways will be permitted.

Cafes that don’t have an alcohol license will be able to stay open until 6pm to support social isolation.

The new measures are intended to be in force from Friday at 6pm to Sunday, October 25, inclusive.

Hospitality leaders warned the rules will be devastating, and accused Ms Sturgeon of effectively signing a "death sentence" for many businesses.

Outside of the five named health boards, pubs, bars, restaurants and cafes will be able to operate indoors from 6am to 6pm, for the service of food and non-alcoholic drinks only.

They can continue to serve alcohol outdoors up to the existing curfew time of 10pm.

Hotel restaurants will be able to operate beyond 6pm, but only for residents and without alcohol.

Ms Sturgeon said there will be an exemption to these rules - in all parts of Scotland - for celebrations associated with specific life events such as weddings that are already booked and funerals. 

She said: "I know that the measures we are proposing today will have a significant impact on many businesses.

"And since the Government is placing an obligation on businesses, we also have an obligation to help businesses.

"I can announce that we are making available an additional £40 million to support businesses that will be affected by these measures over the next two weeks.

"We will work with the affected sectors - especially hospitality – in the coming days to ensure that this money provides the most help, to those who most need it."

Snooker and pool halls, indoor bowling alleys, casinos and bingo halls will close in the five Central Belt health board areas for two weeks from October 10.

Contact sports for people aged 18 and over will also be suspended for two weeks from that date – with an exception for professional sports.

And indoor group exercise activities will not be allowed – although the current rules will remain in place for under 18s. Gyms can remain open for individual exercise.

Outdoor live events will not be permitted in these areas for the next two weeks.

Ms Sturgeon asked those living in the five regions to avoid public transport unless it is absolutely necessary – for example for going to school or to work, if home working is not an option.

They have also been asked not to travel outside their health board area if they don't need to.

The moves comes amid fears over Scotland's rising coronavirus infections.

A new evidence paper by the Scottish Government's medical advisers said the number of infections in Scotland could equal the peak seen in March by the end of this month, unless action is taken.

Ms Sturgeon had warned Scots to expect more restrictions earlier this week, following a "rising tide" of infections. 

Figures show 1,054 new coronavirus cases were recorded in Scotland overnight.

There was also one death, taking the total under this measure – patients who died within 28 days of first testing positive – to 2,533.

The new cases represented 13 per cent of newly-tested individuals, down from 13.2% on Tuesday.

Of the new cases, 410 are in Greater Glasgow and Clyde, 195 in Lanarkshire and 190 in Lothian.

There are 319 people in hospital confirmed to have the virus, up by 57 in 24 hours.

Of these patients, 28 were in intensive care, up by three.