NEW Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross has called for the Scottish and UK governments to join forces and trial a new payment for those in lockdown or isolation who cannot go to work.

The UK Government has started a trial of the scheme in Blackburn with payments of up to £182 for people who have tested positive for Covid-19 or been told they must isolate.

The scheme is designed to protect people on low incomes who need to self-isolate and are unable to work from home. It is part of England’s track and trace services and will generate Barnett Consequentials for the Scottish Government.

Mr Ross has called on the UK and Scottish Governments to work together to operate a trial in Scotland.

He said: “In this new phase of local lockdowns, no part of the country should be left behind.

“We must restore and rebuild our economy together, maximising the talents and skills of every worker and giving everyone the same opportunity to get ahead.”

He added: “So I am calling for a trial of this payment in Scotland. If it can be operated effectively, then it should be introduced for people in isolation who want to work but have no means of doing so, such as manual labourers, hairdressers and everyone else who can’t work from home.

“People across the country want to see both of Scotland’s governments working together to protect them from the damage of this virus. This is a perfect opportunity for the UK and Scottish governments to show what can be achieved when they are on the same side.”