Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has been compared to the Loch Ness Monster in a speech by Donald Trump Jr as he addressed the Republican National Convention on Monday night. 

In his comments regarding Joe Biden, the eldest son of incumbent US President Donald Trump claimed the former vice president would keep the money of Americans in a “swamp” and said he was "basically the Loch Ness Monster".

To support his claim, he accused Mr Biden of “lurking around” like the legendary Scottish creature – saying he only “sticks his head up every now and then to run for president”.

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But Drew Hendry, SNP MP for Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey, welcomed the comparison in a tweet.

It read: “As #Nessie’s MP, I would say this comparison wins it for Biden.

“He’s effectively saying it’s a choice between a globally beloved and sought-out icon – which has enhanced the reputation of its homeland and continues to enchant billions – or Donald Trump.”

In the televised address, Mr Trump Jr said: “After eight years of Obama and Biden slow growth, Trump’s policies have been like rocket fuel to the economy and especially to the middle class.

“Biden has promised to take that money back out of your pocket and keep it in the swamp.

“That makes sense though, considering Joe Biden is basically the Loch Ness Monster of the swamp.

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“For the past half-century he’s been lurking around in there – he sticks his head up every now and then to run for president, then he disappears and doesn’t do much in between.

“So if you’re looking for hope, look to the man who did what the failed Obama-Biden administration never could do and built the greatest economy our country has ever seen.

“And President Trump will do it again.”