A nursery in Fife has closed after a pupil tested positive for Covid-19.

The pupil at Newburgh Primary School and Nursery is said to be self-isolating at home with other relatives for the next two weeks.

Health bosses confirmed that the nursery is closed for a deep clean, but say the rest f the school remains open for older children.

Anyone who came into contact with the confirmed case has been contacted by Test and Protect teams and are isolating for 14 days.

READ MORE: In full: Scotland's primary and secondary schools where there are cases of Covid-19

Shelagh Mclean, Fife Council’s head of education and children’s services, told the Daily Record: “We are following public health advice and talking with our colleagues in NHS Fife about actions required regarding Covid-19.

“With their direction, we are taking all appropriate actions, including that relating to Test and Protect and contact with any confirmed case linked to one of our schools.

“A joint letter, from us and the NHS, was issued to all parents and carers in Fife at the end of last week to keep them informed.

“We’ve also issued a comprehensive list of questions and answers to help with any questions that they may have, and reminded them of their responsibilities around quarantining at www.fife.gov. uk/schoolcovidfaqs”

Lynn Burnett, nurse consultant in health protection, said: “We appreciate that members of the public may be concerned about any new community cases, however we want to reassure people that the risk of contracting coronavirus remains low.

“NHS Fife has well-established procedures in place to trace those in close contact with the case and our public health contact tracing team is currently calling those who came into prolonged contact with the confirmed case to offer support and advice.”