BORDER protesters threatened to publicly post number plates of caravanners and campervans who cross the border into Scotland from England in a bid to stop travellers going northbound.

On Saturday, a small group of protestors gathered at the side of the A1 road at the border, wearing protective overalls and encouraging people to "stay out" of Scotland to keep the nation Covid free.

The group were widely criticised both by Scottish government figures and opposition politicians, with Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf tweeting that "these morons don't represent the Scotland I know and love".

It has emerged that one of the group posted a video from the protest outlining their aim of shaming drivers heading northbound.

To the tune of the Proclaimers' Sunshine on Leith, the demonstrator said: "We are getting the numbers of caravans and mobile homes that are coming up over the border and posting them. If they won't stay at home we will shame them to death. We are here with the Yes convoy."

READ MORE: Nationalist agitator to lead new border Covid-19 protest in defiance of Nicola Sturgeon

A gathering is planned for Thursday to protest against anyone south of the border travelling into Scotland in a move which has been circulated through various groups including the Scottish independence forum, Action For Scotland.

The Herald:

Serial protester, campaigner and nationalist activist Sean Clerkin announced the move as the First Minister said protestors who displayed a "keep Scotland Covid free" banner at the border with England on Saturday "do not speak for me" adding that it is not "sensible or helpful".

He said those protesting at the weekend should be praised for being "good Scottish patriots".

He said it was right to protest about preventing Covid-19 being imported to Scotland saying the nation's coronavirus rate was five times less than that of England.

There are currently no plans to impose quarantine or any other kind of restrictions on travellers from the rest of the UK into Scotland, and there has been no formal discussion on whether they should be introduced.

But there has been an escalating row between the Scottish and UK governments over the issue, with Prime Minister Boris Johnson saying "there is no such thing as a border between Scotland and England" and Ms Sturgeon hitting out at "absurd and ridiculous political statements".

Ms Sturgeon said in her daily coronavirus briefing earlier this week: "This is not a question about whether people in England are welcome in Scotland - of course they are, just as people in Scotland are hopefully welcome in England. It's about public health and I will take decisions based on protecting the people of Scotland if there is a risk to public health.

"That is not political or constitutional and it is certainly not based on any desire to keep English people out of Scotland."

In response to a further question, she added: "I don't approve of the protests, and I would ask people not to protest on the border because I don't think it is a particularly sensible or helpful thing to do.

"I can't be clearer than I have been - the SNP is an open and welcoming party and Scotland is an open and welcoming country, and that kind of protest is not something I condone or endorse in any way, shape or form."