There have been no coronavirus deaths in Scotland for three days.

Figures released on Sunday from the Scottish Government show no fatalities were registered in the last 24 hours among those who have tested positive for the virus.

Figures tend to be low at weekends, however, today has marked 72 hours without confirmed death.

The number of Covid-19 deaths under this measure remains at 2482.

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Positive cases have increased by eight, taking the total number to 18,236.

Of those who have tested positive, 4050 inpatients have been discharged from hospital since March 5.

452 were in hospital last night, with five in intensive care and a further eight in intensive care with suspected Covid-19.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she feels an enormous sense of relief at the numbers.

She tweeted: "3 days in a row with no registered COVID deaths in Scotland. The sense of relief that I - & I’m sure all of us - feel as these numbers fall is enormous.

"But it’s coupled with an anxiety that we do all we can to keep COVID under control.

"So please follow the rules and #StaySafe"