More than £1500 has been raised for two asylum seekers injured in a stabbing in Glasgow that left six hospitalised.

Amateur football club John Street AFC set up the fundraiser after two of its players were caught up in the incident on West George Street on Friday.

Badreddin Abaldlla Adam, 28, was shot dead by armed officers after six people were stabbed at a city centre hotel, including a police officer, two hotel staff members and three asylum seekers. 

READ MORE: Identity of man shot by police during Glasgow knife attack revealed

Now, donations have poured in for two of the asylum seekers, who joined the amateur team in Glasgow's East End after being in the country for a short time.

Fundraiser organiser Russell Hughes said the pair, who have not been named, do not have football boots or training gear.

Russell wrote: "I'd love to raise the cash to pay their training, games on a Saturday and get them the boots and gear they require to show that people care and welcome them to our city and team John Street AFC."

An initial target of £1000 was met within 20 hours of the fundraiser's launch and has since reached almost £1600.

READ MORE: 'Incredibly proud' wife of police officer injured in Glasgow stabbings pays poignant tribute

Almost 80 people have contributed to the appeal on Just Giving.

One donator wrote: "This is a lovely gesture - acts like this and people like you are what makes Glasgow."

Another said: "Great thing to do! Thoughts are with the boys and everyone affected by this."

And a third wrote: "People Make Glasgow. Hope the two men get well soon."