ON Thursday, the First Minister outlined a wave of new measures being eased across Scotland as we enter Phase 2 of the four-part route map out of lockdown.

Early on in her briefing, Nicola Sturgeon said that as part of the “staged approach”, the Scottish Government guidance will continue to be asking people to “as far as possible to stay within or close to their local area”.

She added that their ambition “is to be in a position to lift this in Phase 3 and in time for the proposed resumption of tourism from July 15”. 

How far can I travel?

At this stage for leisure and recreation purposes, Ms Sturgeon says people should “not travel more than five miles or so from their home”.

She added: “Outdoor businesses, such as zoos and garden attractions, can also reopen from June 29 – although people should not be travelling more than five miles to visit them and tickets should be bought in advance.”

The retail sector is also set to open on June 29. 

However she added that, as revealed previously, the five-mile limit does NOT apply to meeting family and friends.

These meetings should take place outdoors, but under new Phase 2 measures you can go inside to use the toilet.

Can I travel to England?

A Scottish Government spokesperson says that as long as you can get there and back in one day, you can visit family in England. 

The Herald:

They told the Scotsman that it would be fine to travel to, for example, Carlisle or Berwick, to visit family – so long as you do not have to stay overnight.

The spokesman did however advise against travelling too far, adding it would become more difficult to make it back in one day – urging people to “exercise common sense” in their actions.

Can I use public transport?

The Herald:

Public transport is continuing to operate at a massively reduced capacity to allow for physical distancing.

But under Phase 2, there will be a slight increase in services – but with new rules.

From today, face coverings are mandatory on all public transport in Scotland, with customers urged to avoid peak times wherever possible to allow for key workers to use the services.