AMERICA'S former National Security Adviser, John Bolton, has penned a bombshell memoir about his time in the White House, making a range of shocking allegations about Donald Trump and his administration. Now the US Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit in a bid to stop publication.

What’s the book called?

‘The Room Where It Happened’ is due to be released next week and is already at the top of the best-seller charts for pre-orders alone. It details Mr Bolton’s 17 turbulent months by President Trump’s side through an array of foreign policy challenges and crises.

It makes a series of claims?

The book has already been leaked and contains a number of explosive allegations. According to an excerpt published in the Wall Street Journal, Trump and China’s President Xi Jinping were discussing hostility to China in America when "Trump then, stunningly, turned the conversation to the coming US presidential election, alluding to China's economic capability and pleading with Xi to ensure he'd win. He stressed the importance of farmers and increased Chinese purchases of soybeans and wheat in the electoral outcome”.

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Other allegations?

Bolton writes that Trump was also approving when President Xi defended China's internment of Uighur Muslims in detention camps. Bolton said: "According to our interpreter, Trump said that Xi should go ahead with building the camps, which Trump thought was exactly the right thing to do”.


Bolton claims that Trump said it would be "cool" to invade Venezuela because he believes the nation is "really part of the United States”.


The book also alleges apparent gaps in the President's knowledge, saying he asked former UK PM Theresa May, "Oh, are you a nuclear power" and once asking if Finland was part of Russia.


Bolton claims Trump is mocked behind his back, pointing to a note he says he was given from secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, after Trump’s 2018 meeting with North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, simply saying of Trump: “He is so full of ****.”

Bolton quit his role?

Bolton, 71, joined the White House in April 2018 and left in September 2019, saying he had decided to quit, but President Trump insists he fired Bolton because he disagreed "strongly" with him.

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Trump is not amused?

The President was vocal about his feelings yesterday, referencing a New York Times review of the memoir which said it was in parts “exceedingly tedious”. Trump tweeted: “Wacko John Bolton’s “exceedingly tedious” (New York Times) book is made up of lies & fake stories. Said all good about me, in print, until the day I fired him. A disgruntled boring fool who only wanted to go to war. Never had a clue, was ostracized & happily dumped. What a dope!”

Will it be published?

Publisher, Simon & Schuster, said in a statement that the emergency “filing by the government is a frivolous, politically motivated exercise in futility”, adding that hundreds of thousands of copies of the book have already been distributed around the world and the injunction would accomplish nothing.