ALMOST 90% of pub bosses in Scotland say they will struggle to reopen if two-metre measures remain in place. 

They say up to 20,000 jobs could be lost as a result of tighter social distancing measures. 

And while the First Minister has sympathised with their concerns, Nicola Sturgeon said she will remain guided by the science when it comes to reducing the two-metre rule. 

She added it is important people understood it is an issue not to be taken lightly and, recognising the “practical difficulties” it causes, said she will have made a decision if it is safe to do so.

But with pub beer gardens set to open from this weekend (Phase 2) and Scots finally being able to get inside a local from Phase 3 (potentially July 15), we’ve set out what boozers could look like in the near future. 

From outdoor igloos to private pods, the future of social drinking is likely to be a lot different to what we’re used to.

So how could pubs look?

One bar in Glasgow has set out a dramatic social-distancing revamp - and provides a clear insight into how pubs across Scotland could look.

Ardnamurchan has created 21 private dining and drinking spaces, with Perspex screens dividing tables within the restaurant, as well as lining the bar. 

The Herald: Private pods separate customersPrivate pods separate customers

The venue will have a one-way system, infrared taps and toilet flushes plus hand sanitisers in place for customers who can continue to walk in off the street and pay by cash – or pre-book online and make contactless payments.

The Herald:

Licensee Neil Douglas said: “We’re fortunate to have a large venue.

“We’ve taken out a third of our seating to separate customers and the layout will work whether people have to maintain a one or two-metre distance.

“The private spaces work really well and people will be able to pre-book the one they want.”

The Herald: Perspex glass is up at the barPerspex glass is up at the bar

Meanwhile in Aberdeen, transparant 'igloos' show another out-of-the-box idea on how dining and socialising can continue across Scotland during the pandemic.

The igloos form a part of the Chester Hotel's plans to use its outdoor areas for dining in the new social-distanced world.

The Herald: 'Igloos' at the Chester Hotel'Igloos' at the Chester Hotel

The vented “igloos”, which give a 360-degree view, will be constructed at the front of the hotel.

The hotel noted that customers would be able to pre book these conservatory-style structures for small groups of up to eight to meet and dine in.

What else could change?

One-way system

If pubs follow suit from other establishments already open, you could be faced with a one-way system. 

This could even include set doors being used for entrances and exits only - where possible

Cashless payments

Much like most shops and other venues open currently, pubs could take a cashless approach to have as little contact as possible. 

Hand sanitiser

As pictured above at the Glasgow bar, hand sanitising stations will likely be the norm across pubs in Scotland.

Most locals will likely have some form of station at the entrance of pubs for you to use on your way in and out. 

Reduced hours/smaller capacity

Just like you experience when hitting the supermarket, pubs might limit the number of people in at one time. 

The social distancing measures may mean less space inside, which as a result could mean you're left queuing outside to get in.

Kevin McGee, pub boss from from the Athletic Arms in Edinburgh said: “If it’s two metres it’ll most likely be me working with one other on reduced trading hours.

“In contrast, a one-metre difference and we can get more staff off furlough, trade longer, start to pay off some bills and support the local community again.”

Surface cleaning

In an attempt to stop the spread of coronavirus, most businesses have increased their cleaning schedules. 

This could be the same for pubs, with regular wiping down of tables and bars while customers remain inside.

Face masks and gloves

It's something we've seen more and more of during the pandemic, and pubs could be no exception.

When you return to your local, you'll likely be confronted with bar staff in some form of PPE to keep themselves and you safe.