Police have issued a fresh appeal to visitors flocking to the derelict psychiatric hospital in Bangour Village, West Lothian.

After lying empty since 2004, Bangour Village Hospital and the surrounding buildings have been a walker hot spot for locals and tourists alike.

But recently a number of posts went up on social media prompting Scots to visit the allegedly ‘haunted’ site and resulting in increased vandalism and other antisocial activity.

In a series of searches conducted over the course of June 13, the police confiscated over £2500 worth of drugs.

A police spokesperson said: “We continue to ask potential visitors to the disused site at Bangour Village to stay away from the area. Local and national resources are deploying daily to support new site security arrangements.

“Over and above speaking to the public regarding COVID-19 regulations, a number of searches were undertaken by officers on 13th June 2020, resulting in over £2500 being seized under Proceeds of Crime legislation and drugs recoveries and charges.

“We will be back today and in the week ahead.”

Drugs worker and amateur photographer Gary Simpson regularly spends time in Bangour Village taking photographs of the derelict buildings.

He said: "When I visited the area last Sunday it was really busy with at least 60 cars parked around Bangour.

"I witnessed loads of youths entering virtually every building on the site. Window and door boardings had been ripped away and access to building was easy for anyone, and there were certainly some people smoking herbal cannabis, as the smell of hash is a massive giveaway.

"It saddens me that people with no interest in Bangour choose to descend on the site as they have no understanding or passion for Bangour Village Hospital and its proud history of looking after wounded soldiers from both World Wars." 

The recent spike in footfall that has seen cars queuing for miles could be linked to people’s wish to see the old disused buildings one last time before plans to demolish them go ahead after lockdown restrictions lift.

However, the police have reported cases of vandalism, drug use and other antisocial behaviour in recent days, prompting an appeal to "stay away."

Kathy Grant, from Broxburn, has enjoyed family walks and picnics in the “special” area, and is sad to see it fall into further disrepair. She said: “I’m disgusted by this behaviour, seeing how it is being trashed makes me so angry.

“I spent three weeks up in T block in the general part of the hospital, and I’ve made memories by walking all around the area with my family.

“The people who go there genuinely enjoy it, but these morons trashing the place are rabble-rousers and as sad as it is for me to say, people should stay away to keep it safe.”

Three people have already been charged with vandalism on Friday, June 5 with further reports of a fire the following day and other acts of vandalism.

READ MORE: Vandals target derelict Bangour hospital as residents report hundreds of visitors during lockdown