A range of stories make the front pages of Sunday’s papers, from coverage of protests to developments in the UK’s battle against coronavirus.

The Herald leads with a family fearing they brought Covid-19 to the UK and Tom Devine on statues, hospitals go back to the future and Orkney hits the big screen. Top work ⁦

The Herald:

The Sunday Times leads with a report saying Boris Johnson is set to scrap plans to allow people to change their legal gender by “self-identifying” as a different sex.

The Sunday Telegraph suggests protesters who desecrate war memorials could be jailed for up to a decade after the Cenotaph was temporarily boarded up.

The Observer says that there is “growing frustration” among teachers, MPs and unions over a “chaotic return of schools”.

While The Independent reports on a poll suggesting half of Britons support extending the Brexit transition period.

The Sunday Mirror leads on protests saying a “far right mob” hijacked a demonstration after police and protesters clashed near the Cenotaph.

And the Sunday People leads on 800 grieving families “demanding answers” on the coronavirus death toll.

The Mail on Sunday says the UK is “a nation in turmoil” and adds that Mr Johnson is to pave the way for an abolition of the two-metre social distancing rule.

The Sunday Express leads with Chancellor Rishi Sunak urging people to return to the High Street to “kick start the nation’s economy”.

And the Daily Star Sunday reports on anger that eight of the Queen’s racing pigeons died in quarantine.