The Scottish Government is being urged to find a safe way to reopen Scotland's zoos or face the reality of some of the country's most popular sites becoming 'endangered species'.

The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) has written directly to Holyrood as they say the charity's future remains at risk.

It emerged this week that zoos and safari parks in England can reopen from Monday, however bosses at Edinburgh Zoo and Highland Wildlife Park have been told the earliest they can open is July 15.

The guidance comes in line with the news announced by the Scottish Government that the country's tourism sector can reopen from mid-July.

But the zoo operator and charity say this would cause a loss of around £500,000 as they would miss the beginning of the summer season.

READ MORE: Sturgeon rejects plea to reopen threatened Edinburgh Zoo

“While we understand it is vital for lockdown measures to be eased gradually, we had hoped to open by the end of June as part of phase two, with similar safety measures to protect staff and visitors as the zoos and safari parks which will reopen in England over the next few days," RZSS chief executive David Field said.

"We also expected to open before places like hotels, pubs and restaurants because our parks are ideal spaces for people and families to enjoy nature in safe outdoor environments.

"Delaying the reopening of Edinburgh Zoo and Highland Wildlife Park for at least five weeks means we will miss the start of the summer and lose £500,000.

The Herald: David Field | JP Pope (RZSS Media)David Field | JP Pope (RZSS Media)

“We have had to borrow £5 million overall due to the loss of our visitor income and every day we remain closed increases the risk that we will not be able to continue our wildlife conservation work."

Nicola Sturgeon has previously rejected a plea from the conservation charity to reopen this month to save it from closure and protest 300 jobs.

The First Minister said she had “nothing but sympathy” for the RZSS - but said Scottish Government had to act “in careful and properly assessed” way and could not make exceptions for individual organisations or particular circumstances.

The charity has now written to the government to suggest practical ways to reopen both parks by the start of July.

“We have always been prepared to reopen initially to visitors and members from our local communities because we recognise that people travelling is a concern,” Mr Field added.

READ MORE: Edinburgh zoo facing financial crisis

“All around Europe, we are seeing zoos reopen safely, with many visitors travelling by car rather than using public transport and people behaving with respect and responsibility when they arrive.

“Zoos and safari parks are perfect places for people to visit as society gradually starts to reopen and we will continue to discuss these community benefits with the Scottish Government in the hope that we can open for the start of the summer.

“Reopening by the start of July will also help our charity recover because right now we are an endangered species in zoological terms.

“Everyone who loves Edinburgh Zoo and Highland Wildlife Park can play a part and make sure we have a bright future by giving a donation. The generous support we have received so far has been hugely appreciated.”