Activists have painted a street leading to the White House with the words Black Lives Matter.

Enormous bright yellow letters now cover an entire two blocks across 16th street, ending just before the church where Donald Trump staged a photo-op with a bible.

“The section of 16th street in front of the White House is now officially Black Lives Matter Plaza,” said DC mayor Muriel Bowser, who tweeted a video of the mural shortly after it was completed on Friday.

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A black and white sign was put up to mark the change.

Ms Bowser’s endorsement of the project follows her verbal clashes with the Trump administration over the response to protests of the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Ms Bowser has complained about the heavy-handed federal response and called for the removal of out-of-state National Guard troops.

She says their differences highlight the need for DC to be a state and have more control over its internal affairs.

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On Thursday, as the protests turned peaceful, she ended a curfew imposed after people damaged buildings and broke into businesses over the weekend and Monday.

The mayor also tweeted out a letter from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who wrote the president to express alarm that peaceful protesters were being confronted by heavily armed federal agents and officers, many of them with their identities and agencies obscured.