Scotland’s First Minister led the nation in another "Clap For Our Carers" tribute to NHS workers this evening. 

Nicola Sturgeon tweeted a video of herself applauding, and tweeted: “Thank you so much to everyone working hard every day to care for us and keep our essential services going #ClapForOurCarers #ClapForTheNHS."

Chancellor Rishi Sunak said there was “so much to clap for” at the weekly clap for carers event on Thursday evening.

Tweeting a photo of himself clapping, he wrote: “We’re past the peak, it’s Captain Tom’s Birthday and we have the best carers of anywhere in the world.

“So much to clap for tonight.”

Prime Minister Boris Johnson also tweeted: “Tonight I proudly clapped outside 10 Downing Street for our fantastic NHS and carers. Thank you all for everything you are doing.”

New mother Carrie Symonds said she would be joining in the clap for carers again, a day after giving birth to a baby boy.

She tweeted: “Clapping again for our tremendous carers tonight and wishing hero @captaintommoore a very happy birthday.

“I also have another wonderful reason to thank the NHS this week too.

“Thank you so, so much!”