Heavy-breathing hackers have hijacked a virtual council meeting and bombarded participants with hardcore porn. 

Councillors in Angus have been using Zoom to hold meetings during the coronavirus pandemic.

But they were dramatically "zoom-bombed" during a discussion on Tuesday.

The meeting was intended to allow councillors to discuss housing and Arbroath’s Sustrans transport scheme. 

After the Zoom chat began, a series of graphic images and shocking phrases appeared on screen, forcing IT staff to urgently shut down the meeting. 

It's not known who is responsible for the digital porn attack. 

Council leader David Fairweather said the smut hack was “shocking” and “defies belief”, according to The Courier. 

Arbroath Independent Mr Fairweather told the meeting: “It’s just a shame we had some idiots that decided to disrupt the meeting.

“It is certainly not welcome, and it is not clever.”

Members of the public were allowed into the meeting at first but had to be barred after the porn was unleashed. 

A council spokesman said the incident was "unfortunate".