An SNP MP has called for an investigation into an 'inaccurate' press release issued by the Scotland Office about a potential coronavirus patient.

Patricia Gibson called into question the fact-checking process for media statements after a press release detailing an emergency evacuation of a person with 'severe symptoms of coronavirus' on the Isle of Arran.

The release stated that military and ambulance personnel had transported the critically-ill island patient to Crosshouse Hospital after they began to show symptoms of the virus.

READ MORE: Puma helicopter flies island coronavirus patient to hospital

However, since the information was published in several newspapers, including The Herald, it has come to light that the patient did not have the virus, and was instead in a diabetic coma.

Our sister title, the Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, understands the patient was also not showing symptoms of Covid-19.

Ms Gibson, the MP for North Ayrshire and Arran, says the release has potentially 'comprised trust' between news publications and their readership after the information caused 'unnecessary alarm'.

She wrote to Secretary of State for Scotland Alister Jack to ask him to investigate the release.

She wrote: “I am sure you would agree that no one wishes to misreport any aspect of the spread of this virus, but this release from the Scotland Office has raised serious questions about how information pertaining to local communities and coronavirus is checked for accuracy before being released to the wider public."

Alister Jack MP responded to Ms Gibson’s letter yesterday saying he was “satisfied that the request from the Scottish Ambulance Service to the RAF on April 22 made it clear that it was for a potential COVID-19 patient and therefore urgent assistance was needed”.

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The Scotland Office press release read: “The [Puma] crew were called at 0100 on Wednesday to support the transfer of a critically ill patient from the Isle of Arran to the University Hospital Crosshouse in Kilmarnock after the patient showed severe symptoms of coronavirus.

“The three-person helicopter crew flew to Arran, where they landed at Knockenkelly and met the emergency medical care team on site.”

Ms Gibson urged Mr Jack to investigate what procedures were put in place to ensure the accuracy of the release and find out how they could have failed.

Mr Jack’s response makes no mention of further investigation.

He wrote: “There were no other options available and without the intervention of the RAF, the critically ill patient would not have been able to be airlifted from Arran to hospital in Kilmarnock.”