A LABOUR MSP has raised "serious concerns" Holyrood is being sidelined during the coronavirus pandemic. 

James Kelly said MSPs were not being given enough time to discuss crucial issues such as testing and the provision of personal protective equipment (PPE). 

He raised a point of order in the Holyrood chamber after he was unable to ask a question due to time running out. 

The Scottish Parliament is sitting today with a reduced number of MSPs to observe social distancing rules. 

Mr Kelly, who represents Glasgow, addressed his comments to Presiding Officer Ken Macintosh. 

He said: "I have serious concerns that Parliament is being sidelined, and we're not being given ample opportunity to discuss the important issues such as the exit from lockdown, testing and the provision of PPE. 

"What's the point in members coming through to Edinburgh for these sessions if we're not able to raise the concerns that people are raising with us in our constituency and region?

"I would ask, Presiding Officer, that you and the [Parliamentary Bureau] give serious consideration to looking at the programme to ensure that we have ample time to debate these issues and to represent our constituents fully."

His remarks met with some applause.

Mr Macintosh said he recognised Mr Kelly's frustration, and conceded the Glasgow MSP had missed out on asking a question a couple of times recently. 

He added: "I'm afraid the Bureau did agree the allocated time. 

"We've got a couple of other statements, as well as First Minister's Questions today and we have allocated a certain amount of time for each of them. 

"Sometimes the questions and answers take longer than perhaps we would anticipate." 

He said it was up to Mr Kelly to propose changes to the Bureau.