THE Scottish Labour MSP sacked for briefing against leader Richard Leonard has been brought in from the cold after 18 months to serve as his finance spokesperson.

Moderate Jackie Baillie received the promotion in a mini-shadow cabinet reshuffle, and has also been given the uneviable task of running Scottish Labour's election campaign next year.

The party lost both its MEPs and six of its seven MPs in elections last year as voters deserted it.

Mr Baillie's return to the Holyrood front bench follows her election as Scottish Labour’s deputy leader earlier this month in a hard-fought race against left-winger Matt Kerr.

Ms Baillie, the MSP for Dumbarton, and one of only three Labour constituency MSPs, was fired by Mr Leonard in October 2018, when she held the economy brief.

She and Labour’s then health spokesman Anas Sarwar were axed after being accused of undermining Mr Leonard’s leadership.

Mr Sarwar said at the time that he was “deeply disappointed” said had learned about it via Twitter as he was leading for Labour in a health debate in the Holyrood chamber.

Ms Baillie replaces the Highlands MSP Rhoda Grant at finance, who will now be Labour’s chief whip while also covering for poverty, employment, retirement and inequality.

An MSP since 1999, she was a member of First Minister Donald Dewar’s first government as deputy minister of communities at the outset of the Scottish Parliament.

She was also social justice minister under First Minister Henry McLeish.

With the Faslane nuclear base a major employer in her constituency, she is staunchly pro-Union and was a board member of the Better Campaign in the 2014 referendum.

She flatly opposes a second referendum.

Mr Leonard also opposes Indyref2 in principle, but accepts the SNP would have a mandate for one if it won a majority at the 2021 Holyrood election.

Mr Leonard said: “I am glad that Jackie has agreed to speak for Scottish Labour on finance.

"She brings great experience and an eye for detail, and I am looking forward to working with her to develop our proposals for stimulating Scotland’s economy and investing in public services after Covid-19.

 “I am also delighted that Jackie will be co-ordinating our 2021 election campaign.

"Having won her constituency at every election since 1999, there is no-one better placed to ensure we are on a firm footing to win back constituency seats in the Scottish Parliament.”

Ms Baillie said:  “I look forward to serving as Scottish Labour’s finance spokesperson and helping to rebuild our economy and public services after the coronavirus pandemic.

"I have an equally challenging but important role in rebuilding the Scottish Labour Party, working with staff and all members across the labour and trade union movement, so that we become a winning electoral force again.”

Shadow Scottish Secretary Ian Murray, another strident opponent of Indyref2, said: “This is fantastic news and a real fresh start for Scottish Labour.

“Jackie is a proven winner and her role in political oversight of the party organisation will ensure Scottish Labour is in the best possible shape for the future.

“We have to use all our talents to provide a credible and positive alternative to both the SNP and Tories.”