THE daily Downing St coronavirus press conference is being opened up to members of the public.

Under the plan, one question a day from a member of the public will be put to ministers.

Questions will be chosen by an independent polling organisation, a statement on the website said.

It stressed: "The Government is not involved in choosing questions.”

Members of the public can place their question by going to the website.

The Government also promised that ministers would not see the question before the press conference.

The statement said the submitted questions would be reviewed at midday on the day of the press conference.

The selected questioner will be informed by 3pm, two hours ahead of the usual press conference time.

They will then be given the choice of either filming themselves asking the question, with the footage played during the press conference, or having their question read out.

Anyone over 18 can use an online form to submit their question for consideration.

The development came after Boris Johnson in a statement in Downing St this morning promised “maximum possible transparency”.

The Prime Minister said: “I want to share all our working and our thinking, my thinking, with you the British people and of course, we will be relying as ever on the science to inform us as we have from the beginning but we will also be reaching out to build the biggest possible consensus across business, across industry, across all parts of our United Kingdom, across party lines, bringing in opposition parties as far as we possibly can because that is no less than what the British people would expect.”