Hairdressers and barber shops look set to remain closed for another six months - Government sources have claimed.

The Metro recently reported that senior ministers are pushing a so-called ‘traffic light’ system to lift the lockdown.

Under this plan, small shops could be allowed to reopen first, alongside hairdressers and nurseries.

Schools would also begin to reopen. However, the public would still be urged to avoid non-essential travel.

Next in the phase could then be restaurants, with all pupils able to go back to school with social distancing measures in place.

Companies with fewer than 50 staff would be able to reopen and people could be allowed to take public transport while wearing face masks.

Could salons be shut for a long time?

However, The Sun instead reported that hair and beauty salons could remain shut for six months or potentially longer, after government scientists advised that there is not a safe way for them to reopen.

What about wages?

It is estimated that 60 per cent of hairdressers are freelance, ,making them ineligible for the government’s furlough scheme.

They can, however, draw on a second Treasury wage scheme which is for the self-employed. Self-employed workers don't need to apply to it, as HMRC will contact those who are eligible for the payout by mid-May.

Citizens Advice explains that “if your income has dropped because of coronavirus, you might be able to get money from the government.

“You could get 80 per cent of your average profits up to a maximum of £2,500 per month. This is called the Self-employment Income Support Scheme.

“If you're eligible, you can get money to cover until at least the end of June 2020.”

How can I support my local hairdresser?

A good way to support your local hair salon is to buy a gift voucher now that you can use there when they reopen.

Hairdressers will also be very busy when they do reopen, so if your salon does have a waiting list, then it’s worth putting your name down now.

L'Oréal Professionnel, the British Beauty Council patron, has released a COVID-19 support guide to help salon owners, employees, and self-employed hair stylists who are currently out of work.

The guide includes details on the current government measures, alongside information on how to claim benefits, HR and legal advice.