NICOLA Sturgeon has been accused of a “dereliction of duty” after failing to attend six UK-wide meetings on the emerging threat from coronavirus.

Scottish Labour said the First Minister had to explain why she missed the top-level Cobra meetings in January, February and early March.

Last week the Sunday Times revealed Boris Johnson had also missed the five January and February meetings, before finally attending his first on March 2.

At the time, SNP Westminister leader Ian Blackford accused the UK Government of “jaw-dropping” complacency and negligence.

READ MORE: Nicola Sturgeon 'missed six coronavirus Cobra meetings' as virus spread to Scotland 

However it has now emerged Ms Sturgeon missed the same meetings as the Prime Minister, that the March 2 meeting was also her first, and that she then missed another on March 4. 

Her place was taken by Health Secretary Jeane Freeman and Mental Health minister Clare Haughey, with then Chief Medical Officer Dr Catherine Calderwood also sitting in at times.

The Sunday Mail reported that the meetings were convened on January 24 and 29,  February 5, 18 and 26, specifically to discuss the coronavirus threat.

On February 26, Ms Sturgeon played netball with schoolchildren in Dundee.

Scotland had its first case on March 2 and its first death a fortnight later.

The Cobra civil contingency meetings bring together senior military, emergency service, government officials and ministers, with the name referring to Cabinet Office Briefing Room A.

Scottish Labour Deputy Leader Jackie Baillie said: “Nicola Sturgeon’s failure to attend six COBRA meetings on the coronavirus pandemic is nothing short of a dereliction of duty.

“The First Minister needs to explain what she was doing that was so important that she missed all these meetings, or is this merely about status and she won’t go if Boris isn’t there?

“As questions continue about the seeming lack of preparedness for the coronavirus pandemic, the insufficient supply of PPE and the lack of testing, not attending the COBRA meeting seems like poor judgement on the part of the First Minister.”

READ MORE: Nicola Sturgeon: this is our chance to build a better Scotland – together 

The Scottish Government spokesperson said Ms Sturgeon had chaired meetings of the devolved emergency committee as the pandemic emerged.

A spokesperson said: “This is not news. The First Minister detailed Scottish Government attendance at one of her daily updates, but to recap - the First Minster has been chairing meetings of the Scottish Government Resilience Committee (our equivalent of Cobra) since 29 January.  In addition, the Scottish Government has been represented at all Cobra ministerial meetings on Coronavirus that we have been invited to (we often receive only limited advance notice of such meetings).

“The Health Secretary attended the first Cobra meeting on 24 January, and subsequent meetings on 29 January, 5 February and 26 February and 4th March – and the First Minister has participated in every meeting since then.

"Both the First Minister and Health Secretary participated in the first PM-chaired Cobra, on Monday 2nd March, to discuss and clear the 4 Nations Action Plan."