A prisoner who was serving 15 years in jail for sexually abusing six young girls has died, with unconfirmed reports saying he had symptoms of Covid-19.

Former RAF serviceman Gordon Pinkerton, 75, was a prisoner at HMP Dumfries after he was found guilty of sexually abusing six young girls in 2013.

Gordon Pinkerton, Aberdeen, sexually assaulted the girls from 1963 to 2011 across Scotland.

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The Scottish Prison Service released a statement saying:

“Gordon Pinkerton, 75, a prisoner at HMP Dumfries has died. He was convicted at Glasgow High Court in 2013. Police Scotland have been informed and the matter reported to the Procurator Fiscal. A Fatal Accident Inquiry will be held in due course.”

Sentencing Pinkerton, judge Lord Matthews told him in 2013: "You were convicted of what can only be described as an appalling catalogue of abuse of vulnerable young girls.

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"You have maintained a denial throughout.

"I have received impact statements from your victims and they say what you did to them has blighted their lives. That is hardly surprising.

"I am told that you are at high risk of re-offending, which is also not surprising given that the offences began in 1963 and ran to 2011."

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