A 13-year-old boy has been charged over the alleged attempted murder of a woman at a children’s care home in Glasgow.

The woman, 41, is believed to be a social worker and was tonight fighting for her life in hospital.

She suffered serious injuries in an incident at the unit in Glasgow’s south side on Wednesday afternoon and was rushed to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in the city.

Medics there tonight described the woman’s condition as “critical”.

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Police have confirmed they had arrested and charged a young boy over the alleged attempted murder.

A report will be submitted to prosecutors and to the Scottish Children’s Reporters Administration.

A Police Scotland spokeswoman said: “A 13-year-old boy has been arrested and charged in connection with the attempted murder of a 41-year-old woman in Glasgow on Wednesday.

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“The injured woman was taken to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow where hospital staff describe her condition as critical.”

She added: “A full report will be sent to the procurator fiscal and the Scottish Children’s Reporters Administration.”


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