More than a dozen residents at an Edinburgh care home have died after contracting suspected coronavirus.

The BBC reported that 13 people at Guthrie House care home have died.

Four Seasons Health Care, which runs the care home, said there were strict protocols in place at all their 187 homes across the UK, including at the home in the south-east of Edinburgh.

A spokeswoman for the company added that any suspected cases of the virus among staff and residents were being reported to authorities.

READ MORE: Nicola Love: Virus crisis response must protect as many as possible

The spokeswoman said: "With deep sadness, we can confirm that a number of residents who were displaying symptoms associated with coronavirus have passed away in our homes across the country.

"Our thoughts are with the families and friends of these residents and we are providing them with ongoing support at this difficult time.

"We are providing daily updates to care authorities on all confirmed and suspected cases of coronavirus among our residents and colleagues.

"Our strict protocols on infectious diseases are in place in all of our care homes, including social distancing and barrier nursing, and we are closely monitoring the health of the other residents and colleagues.

READ MORE: One in four deaths in Scotland are in care homes - a visual guide

"We would like to thank our colleagues, who are working tirelessly to support our residents under difficult circumstances and we will continue to put all our resources and energy into supporting and protecting everyone in our homes."

Local Labour MP Ian Murray said: “These tragic deaths in south Edinburgh are deeply upsetting, and our thoughts are with all the families and friends of the residents, and with the staff who cared for them.

“This devastating news will increase concerns among families across Scotland who are worried about loved ones living in care homes.

“There is a growing sense of anger that so few tests have been carried out, and that personal protective equipment is still not reaching the front line.

“We cannot have a situation where people who live and work in care homes are being put at risk because PPE is not adequately available, and this deepening scandal must be urgently addressed by the Scottish Government.”


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